Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Day 9: "Days are getting shorter..."

I have spent exactly four weeks in the full-time working world now. I was so ready for it before I began. I was ready for meetings, lunch out with coworkers and intellectual conversation about "where journalism is heading." I was ready for cutting-edge technology, deadlines and breaking news. A few of those expectations were correct, but what I wasn't prepared for was how long the days are, how much time is spent sitting at a computer and how lost in menial tasks I become each day. Did I mention how long the days are? Wow, they seem like eternities.

Today was better though. It seemed slightly shorter than usual. It's already 4:30. I have one hour left. Maybe it was the nourishment of my chai latte (delicious) this morning or my fascination with research on the Hill Italian neighborhood this afternoon that kept me busy. Maybe my audio editing late morning gave me enough variety to keep my eyes off the clock. Maybe the absence of my boss and his daily, "So... what'rya working on?" drill made me more at ease. Or maybe, just maybe, I'm getting used to the working world.

Do I want to get used to this 9-5:30 computer-sitting routine? I mean, yeah, it will make the summer a lot easier. But do I want my life to be this? Heck no! Maybe I should have gone into physical therapy or teaching or basket-weaving. Or just something more interactive and creative. I guess this is supposed to be creative. Maybe I'm just in the wrong department. I bet that's it.

On a more fun note, tonight is my official fourth 21st birthday celebration. Yes, that means I've had three celebrations in the past week and I'm still going strong. First was on my birthday (last Tues., June 5) in Columbia with school friends. Second was on Saturday in Naperville with friends friends. Third was on Sunday in Naperville with family. And tonight is in St. Louis with coworkers. I have one more celebration with my mom in Las Vegas at the end of June. I really know how to keep the party going (for a whole month) apparently.

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