I woke up this morning with the exciting fact that it's FRIDAY on my mind. The past several Fridays have been get-out-of-town days. Literally. I'm a traveling woman. After work today (I plan on taking a 30 minute lunch so I can jet out at 5) I'm driving down to the Land of Summer. That is, Lake of the Ozarks.
Only problem: this is the slowest day ever! I have basically nothing to do. I've been eating Hershey's kisses out of the candy drawer just to pass the time. That's bad news.
One big thing (besides Nate's lake twafirst tonight) that I have keeping me in the game today is my reunion with Pedro tomorrow. Aww. Last night was rocky though. Man, we were ready to argue about anything. We hardcore argued about what snack I should bring to Sunday school (he wanted cookies, I wanted guacamole or Chinese salad). It was so heated he ended up giving me the silent treatment before I hung up on him. Ridiculous. Later in the night I started talking about technology and the world's obsession with being connected at all times (like with the iPhone) and we got into a big argument about whether constant text messaging is prevelent in our generation. That was just the opening act, the headliner was about who started the argument and why we were arguing and what each of us was trying to say and God only knows what else. Now it was his turn to hang up on me. Undeservedly, of course. (ring... ring... "I really hope to God we just got disconnected and that wasn't you trying to HANG UP on me!") We made up and said our I love you's before going to bed, but geez louise... talk about a serious power struggle over whose opinion and actions were right. Breathe.
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