Below are some recent greeting cards. Consider it the start of my portfolio. Right now I don't have much of a repertoire to show for the Ali Arts line of card creations because although I've been hand making all my cards since about junior year of high school, well, I've given all the cards away gosh darnit. I make them on a need basis, meaning when it's someone's birthday or a holiday, I make a card. Then I give it to them. Complex, I know. So from now on I'm going to photograph my cards before I send them so I can have some sort of portfolio in case I ever want to go into business (a mini-dream I've always had). Disclaimer: The photo quality of these is absolutely atrocious since I have mine shaft lighting in my room and camera flashes don't do the cards justice.
Out of college, newly married, finding my way at my first job and writing about moments.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Day 23: I'm going to Vegas, baby!
Yes, I am. Tomorrow right after work (if I can make it to the airport on time... unless I leave work early, I have 50 minutes to drive there from downtown, park in the Economy Lot (it's amazing and only $5 a day), take the shuttle to the airport, check my bags and board. All this in rush hour traffic.) I leave for Chicago, then early Friday morn it's off to Sin City. What a horrible name for a city. I'm really not sure how to pack for a Vegas adventure, so I kind of just threw a bunch of cute tops and a variety of skirts/bermudas/pants in my suitcase and I'm hoping my outfits will all come together somehow. We're only there for three days so I'm sure I'll have plenty (except for that one thing I never wear and didn't think to pack but for some reason really want to wear in Vegas).
Below are some recent greeting cards. Consider it the start of my portfolio. Right now I don't have much of a repertoire to show for the Ali Arts line of card creations because although I've been hand making all my cards since about junior year of high school, well, I've given all the cards away gosh darnit. I make them on a need basis, meaning when it's someone's birthday or a holiday, I make a card. Then I give it to them. Complex, I know. So from now on I'm going to photograph my cards before I send them so I can have some sort of portfolio in case I ever want to go into business (a mini-dream I've always had). Disclaimer: The photo quality of these is absolutely atrocious since I have mine shaft lighting in my room and camera flashes don't do the cards justice.

Below are some recent greeting cards. Consider it the start of my portfolio. Right now I don't have much of a repertoire to show for the Ali Arts line of card creations because although I've been hand making all my cards since about junior year of high school, well, I've given all the cards away gosh darnit. I make them on a need basis, meaning when it's someone's birthday or a holiday, I make a card. Then I give it to them. Complex, I know. So from now on I'm going to photograph my cards before I send them so I can have some sort of portfolio in case I ever want to go into business (a mini-dream I've always had). Disclaimer: The photo quality of these is absolutely atrocious since I have mine shaft lighting in my room and camera flashes don't do the cards justice.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Day 21: Sweat
I have a new lead on what my illness is, although I hope it's not right: lactose intolerance. I seem to feel worse after eating cereal, cheese, ice cream (probably too much ice cream) and yogurt. Just now I ate some yogurt and immediately had a little surge of a sick feeling. Maybe I should lay off the dairy for a bit and see what happens? I seriously doubt I'm lactose intolerant, but, eh, you never know.
Well today I sweat more than I think I ever have before. I ran my usual 30 minute route, although I must have had a quicker pace today than Saturday becuase it got me a bit farther. Anyway, it was so hot and muggy out, I was literally soaked in sweat. My shirt was dripping, my face was dripping, even my legs - like, shins - had sweat pouring off them. This was even worse than Saturday's high noon run. I was happy, however, that I saw one person sweating more than I was.
Well, it's my 21st day of being 21. Kind of monumentous. Not. But still worth mentioning. I leave for the bright lights of Vegas in four days and I am not sure what to expect, but I've heard it's unlike anything else. Should be a good time to bond with Madre too. A good time to win big too - cha ching!
Well today I sweat more than I think I ever have before. I ran my usual 30 minute route, although I must have had a quicker pace today than Saturday becuase it got me a bit farther. Anyway, it was so hot and muggy out, I was literally soaked in sweat. My shirt was dripping, my face was dripping, even my legs - like, shins - had sweat pouring off them. This was even worse than Saturday's high noon run. I was happy, however, that I saw one person sweating more than I was.
Well, it's my 21st day of being 21. Kind of monumentous. Not. But still worth mentioning. I leave for the bright lights of Vegas in four days and I am not sure what to expect, but I've heard it's unlike anything else. Should be a good time to bond with Madre too. A good time to win big too - cha ching!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Some creations
I had a very free evening today so I put my creative side to work and made some "shellery." These are wire neclaces made from shells/rocks found in the Gulf of Mexico off Marco Island. I'm hoping to improve upon my designs and somehow find a way to market and sell them.

I also made a couple cards using wire and decorative paper. The glue is still drying on them but I'll post pics when they're ready.
I also made a couple cards using wire and decorative paper. The glue is still drying on them but I'll post pics when they're ready.
Day 20: What's wrong with me? Anything?
I have never in the least bit thought of myself as a hypochondriac. Peter, however, has recently diagnosed me as one. I think it is a bit of an unfair diagnosis, as it is only based on one or two circumstances, but I guess I must admit that this past week I've been a little over-the-top with Internet diagnoses of all my bodily problems. I've had stomach problems all week and have run the gamot with ideas about what is wrong with me. At first I thought PMS. Then appendicitis. Then IBS. Now I'm thinking it's some sort of bug or virus that is messing with my intestines and abdominal region. But how does one know for sure? And how does one go about seeking treatment if it is only discomfort that is being suffered? Just wait till I have kids... lately I've become more and more of a worrier, but gosh I might just go crazy when I have more than just myself to freak out about.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Day 18: Bloggedy blog
Today was such a bag of slack. I accomplished my immediate goals and absolutely nothing more at work. Well, actually, I accomplished quite a bit more, but nothing work-related. After the Pete sent me and some friends a fairly well-researched and interesting political ramble about how much he hates John Edwards, I convinced him to start a blog (read: I started a blog for him). So they day went by fairly quickly as we emailed back and forth details about the blog and I got it up and running. But my goodness, the blogger and google marriage sure likes to mess with you. I guess I somehow created a new gmail account with the username "" Um... I don't know how you can have two @something.coms in one email address, but apparently that's what blogger did.
Either way, Peter has a talent for writing controversial and opinionated things. He will be a great blogger because he has the dedication, focus and, most of all, passion to let his opinions be known (at least about important things like religion and politics). He will kick my blog's ass, but that's okay.
Anyway, it's Friday (whoop whoop!) and I have basically nothing to do. I should go for a run. I want to. It might be too late and I might use that as an excuse not too. Then I would feel bad. I also should get my sociology homework out of the way (yes, online summer course... not difficult, just have to remember to do the work). It's too bad I have such a limited number of friends in this damn city.
Either way, Peter has a talent for writing controversial and opinionated things. He will be a great blogger because he has the dedication, focus and, most of all, passion to let his opinions be known (at least about important things like religion and politics). He will kick my blog's ass, but that's okay.
Anyway, it's Friday (whoop whoop!) and I have basically nothing to do. I should go for a run. I want to. It might be too late and I might use that as an excuse not too. Then I would feel bad. I also should get my sociology homework out of the way (yes, online summer course... not difficult, just have to remember to do the work). It's too bad I have such a limited number of friends in this damn city.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Day 16: Sweat and books
I got off my lazy bum to go running today. Thank goodness. If my goal is to run a marathon (or, who am I kidding, a half marathon) sometime in the near future I probably need to get back in shape. While for the past two years my definite running prime has been in the coldest of winter months, I am actually getting used to this St. Louis evening heat. It's not a big pain factor anymore. On my 30 min. jaunt through Forest Park I had some interesting encounters, including but not limited to:
- Man running while talking on cell phone (Honestly, probably a difficult feat. I'm not sure whether I should shake my head with disdain for how cell-obsessed our society is or nod in approval for how good he must be at controlling his breathing)
- Rude driver who hesitated when he and I approached a small crosswalk at the same time, then seeing that I slowed down (duh, so I won't get flattened) just decided to drive through. I actually had to fully stop running even though I'm pretty sure cross walk means I have the right-of-way.
- Creepy man in bus stop booth (not just creepy-looking but actually creepy. When I ran by he tapped his friend on the shoulder with a big, excited smile and pointed at me to gawk. Sick.)
I ended my run at the library to get a library card and some books on CD. My sweaty, sweaty self disbanded a small group of people from the books on CD section just by standing there and radiating my stench. I wasn't too embarrassed. Kinda cool.
- Man running while talking on cell phone (Honestly, probably a difficult feat. I'm not sure whether I should shake my head with disdain for how cell-obsessed our society is or nod in approval for how good he must be at controlling his breathing)
- Rude driver who hesitated when he and I approached a small crosswalk at the same time, then seeing that I slowed down (duh, so I won't get flattened) just decided to drive through. I actually had to fully stop running even though I'm pretty sure cross walk means I have the right-of-way.
- Creepy man in bus stop booth (not just creepy-looking but actually creepy. When I ran by he tapped his friend on the shoulder with a big, excited smile and pointed at me to gawk. Sick.)
I ended my run at the library to get a library card and some books on CD. My sweaty, sweaty self disbanded a small group of people from the books on CD section just by standing there and radiating my stench. I wasn't too embarrassed. Kinda cool.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Day 14: ID scanners, organs and street signs
It's a damn good thing I'm finally 21, because this weekend at the Lake (The Horny Toad to be exact) I got carded four times in one bar! Two of those times my ID was scanned and one of the bouncers scanning scanned my ID three times. Crap on a stick- I know I look young, but come on. I would have either been swimming home or escorted by a water cop had I tried my fake there in my pre-21 days. Oh the joys of legality. I already feel like a good samaritan after passing on my 21-year-old curly brown hair and distict smile to a 20-year-old head of curly brown hair and disturbingly identical distinct smile. She acted like I gave her my kidney when I passed it along to her. 'Twas cute.
Speaking of kidneys, I regretfully did not sign up to be an organ donor when I got my license renewed. I wanted to, but the DMV man suggested I check with my parents first, and the easily-persuaded me agreed. Let's just hope my organs stay working inside me until I officially register myself.
Speaking of the DMV - in Granite City, Ill., that is (had to cross the river into Illinois to renew my license) - all the street signs in that freakin' town are torn down! I had to drive around for quite a few minutes using my dog-like sense of perception to sniff out the DMV. Mapquest does not help if there are no signs.
Ha ha da xiao. Not.
Speaking of kidneys, I regretfully did not sign up to be an organ donor when I got my license renewed. I wanted to, but the DMV man suggested I check with my parents first, and the easily-persuaded me agreed. Let's just hope my organs stay working inside me until I officially register myself.
Speaking of the DMV - in Granite City, Ill., that is (had to cross the river into Illinois to renew my license) - all the street signs in that freakin' town are torn down! I had to drive around for quite a few minutes using my dog-like sense of perception to sniff out the DMV. Mapquest does not help if there are no signs.
Ha ha da xiao. Not.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Day 11: Fridays are supposed to fly
I woke up this morning with the exciting fact that it's FRIDAY on my mind. The past several Fridays have been get-out-of-town days. Literally. I'm a traveling woman. After work today (I plan on taking a 30 minute lunch so I can jet out at 5) I'm driving down to the Land of Summer. That is, Lake of the Ozarks.
Only problem: this is the slowest day ever! I have basically nothing to do. I've been eating Hershey's kisses out of the candy drawer just to pass the time. That's bad news.
One big thing (besides Nate's lake twafirst tonight) that I have keeping me in the game today is my reunion with Pedro tomorrow. Aww. Last night was rocky though. Man, we were ready to argue about anything. We hardcore argued about what snack I should bring to Sunday school (he wanted cookies, I wanted guacamole or Chinese salad). It was so heated he ended up giving me the silent treatment before I hung up on him. Ridiculous. Later in the night I started talking about technology and the world's obsession with being connected at all times (like with the iPhone) and we got into a big argument about whether constant text messaging is prevelent in our generation. That was just the opening act, the headliner was about who started the argument and why we were arguing and what each of us was trying to say and God only knows what else. Now it was his turn to hang up on me. Undeservedly, of course. (ring... ring... "I really hope to God we just got disconnected and that wasn't you trying to HANG UP on me!") We made up and said our I love you's before going to bed, but geez louise... talk about a serious power struggle over whose opinion and actions were right. Breathe.
Only problem: this is the slowest day ever! I have basically nothing to do. I've been eating Hershey's kisses out of the candy drawer just to pass the time. That's bad news.
One big thing (besides Nate's lake twafirst tonight) that I have keeping me in the game today is my reunion with Pedro tomorrow. Aww. Last night was rocky though. Man, we were ready to argue about anything. We hardcore argued about what snack I should bring to Sunday school (he wanted cookies, I wanted guacamole or Chinese salad). It was so heated he ended up giving me the silent treatment before I hung up on him. Ridiculous. Later in the night I started talking about technology and the world's obsession with being connected at all times (like with the iPhone) and we got into a big argument about whether constant text messaging is prevelent in our generation. That was just the opening act, the headliner was about who started the argument and why we were arguing and what each of us was trying to say and God only knows what else. Now it was his turn to hang up on me. Undeservedly, of course. (ring... ring... "I really hope to God we just got disconnected and that wasn't you trying to HANG UP on me!") We made up and said our I love you's before going to bed, but geez louise... talk about a serious power struggle over whose opinion and actions were right. Breathe.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Day 9: "Days are getting shorter..."
I have spent exactly four weeks in the full-time working world now. I was so ready for it before I began. I was ready for meetings, lunch out with coworkers and intellectual conversation about "where journalism is heading." I was ready for cutting-edge technology, deadlines and breaking news. A few of those expectations were correct, but what I wasn't prepared for was how long the days are, how much time is spent sitting at a computer and how lost in menial tasks I become each day. Did I mention how long the days are? Wow, they seem like eternities.
Today was better though. It seemed slightly shorter than usual. It's already 4:30. I have one hour left. Maybe it was the nourishment of my chai latte (delicious) this morning or my fascination with research on the Hill Italian neighborhood this afternoon that kept me busy. Maybe my audio editing late morning gave me enough variety to keep my eyes off the clock. Maybe the absence of my boss and his daily, "So... what'rya working on?" drill made me more at ease. Or maybe, just maybe, I'm getting used to the working world.
Do I want to get used to this 9-5:30 computer-sitting routine? I mean, yeah, it will make the summer a lot easier. But do I want my life to be this? Heck no! Maybe I should have gone into physical therapy or teaching or basket-weaving. Or just something more interactive and creative. I guess this is supposed to be creative. Maybe I'm just in the wrong department. I bet that's it.
On a more fun note, tonight is my official fourth 21st birthday celebration. Yes, that means I've had three celebrations in the past week and I'm still going strong. First was on my birthday (last Tues., June 5) in Columbia with school friends. Second was on Saturday in Naperville with friends friends. Third was on Sunday in Naperville with family. And tonight is in St. Louis with coworkers. I have one more celebration with my mom in Las Vegas at the end of June. I really know how to keep the party going (for a whole month) apparently.
Today was better though. It seemed slightly shorter than usual. It's already 4:30. I have one hour left. Maybe it was the nourishment of my chai latte (delicious) this morning or my fascination with research on the Hill Italian neighborhood this afternoon that kept me busy. Maybe my audio editing late morning gave me enough variety to keep my eyes off the clock. Maybe the absence of my boss and his daily, "So... what'rya working on?" drill made me more at ease. Or maybe, just maybe, I'm getting used to the working world.
Do I want to get used to this 9-5:30 computer-sitting routine? I mean, yeah, it will make the summer a lot easier. But do I want my life to be this? Heck no! Maybe I should have gone into physical therapy or teaching or basket-weaving. Or just something more interactive and creative. I guess this is supposed to be creative. Maybe I'm just in the wrong department. I bet that's it.
On a more fun note, tonight is my official fourth 21st birthday celebration. Yes, that means I've had three celebrations in the past week and I'm still going strong. First was on my birthday (last Tues., June 5) in Columbia with school friends. Second was on Saturday in Naperville with friends friends. Third was on Sunday in Naperville with family. And tonight is in St. Louis with coworkers. I have one more celebration with my mom in Las Vegas at the end of June. I really know how to keep the party going (for a whole month) apparently.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Day 8: Exploring
Well, I am jumping into this blog a week late, meaning a week after I turned 21. Is it good blog etiquette to introduce yourself in the first post? Or is that a sign of a "n00b" (as my little brother would say)? I'm exploring in the world of adulthood. That's about all there is to know about me right now. And I'm attempting a picture-a-day project this year of my life (simply taking a photo of myself every day) but I already missed a few. Whoops. Once I get that up and running I'll post a link to the project. It's pretty narcissistic, I know. I'm intending it to be more like a journal though.
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