Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Runner's high

Icing my shins right now after an excellent 6 mile run!

Last night I ended up just biking 8 miles instead of running. It took me 37 minutes I think. Felt good.

Tonight I almost gave up and didn't run, because once again I ate too much right when I got home from work (I was hangry!). But despite my two Mississippi Mud Bars (thank goodness there is only one left now) I dragged my butt off the couch and hit the road just in time to get back before dark.

Took me ~57:30, at an average 9:34 pace. The route was lovely, and I did no double looping - just ran out three miles and back. I actually took splits this time, every 2 miles. Interestingly, the last third of my run was much faster than the rest. I think my splits were 19:16, 19:25 and 18:40 or something along those lines.

This is flat out disgusting, so don't read this paragraph if you're weak, but right at the beginning of my run I had a coughing fit and (ewwwwwww) threw up a little in my mouth. That first half-mile tasted disgusting, and I never thought I'd feel strong. Thankfully, I recovered and took my mind off it after a few minutes.

All in all, I had a really positive outlook all throughout the run. The weather was absolutely perfect, and I am so thankful to have fine gravel in the shoulder of the roads in my neighborhood. It makes my stomping grounds the best place to run around here, since all the wooded running/biking trails are paved with no good shoulder. I also feel safe in the neighborhood, with people out mowing and doing yardwork and walking their dogs.

This Saturday I'm taking a plunge and running 8 miles with the Badgerland Striders. Today's run gives me confidence that I'll be able to handle that distance, and get back on track with marathon training.

This week is, however, a big bump in mileage from previous weeks. I know that's bad for my shins, but I need to get up to the distances on my training schedule that I've been ignoring up to this point.

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