Monday, July 6, 2009

Long run day

Picked a bad day weather-wise for my long run this week (the first long run in a while... eep). It could be worse, but it is in the 80s and sunny and I'm planning on heading out soon. I'll wait till 7 or so before I go so it cools off a little.

Got home from work and fueled up on some strawberries, almond butter, oh and... uh... Twizzlers and Mississippi Mud Bars. Whoops ;)

Planning on going 1:15. My mind is trying to convince me to do my long run tomorrow when it will be in the 60s, but I'd hate to put it off another day. We'll see.

Exciting news - ran the National Dash 5K on the Fourth of July and finished respectably, IMHO. 26:17 according to my Garmin (26:29 according to the race results, but those are never right anyway). It's roughly an 8:30 pace. I felt strong and it encouraged me that I can run if I put my mind to it. I just need to stay focused and dedicated to my goal.

Speaking of goal, my fundraising goal sits untouched. I really need to get cracking on that.

Additionally, as you (if there is a nebulous "you" reader out there) may have noticed, this blog is becoming my marathon training blog. I thought long and hard about changing the name to reflect this, but then decided one name change is enough for a blog. Also, I couldn't think of anything catchy that had to do with running. So Post-College Alison now has a training and fundraising goal that will be discussed as often as I deem worthy of posting.

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