Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Bummer dude

I went to get my hair cut today to donate to Locks of Love and surprise everyone with a sassy New Year's bob.

But alas, by the stylist's measurements, 10 inches of hair would have left me with little more than a boy cut and that would be SCARY so I am waiting another month.

I want to rip my long hair out now but I guess I should have patience so all the children with balding disease can have nice wigs. I kind of dispute the stylist's measurements though, because my hair was dry and curly when she measured, and when I measured 10 inches on my own it took me to mid-neck. Boo.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Wintry weekend

Yesterday was a very December day (December being an adjective).

Shoveled our driveway for the third time in a week. It's rough keeping up with the snowfall around here.

Knocked out a bunch of Christmas shopping (throwing down more cash that I would have liked) and ran some errands (bought another shovel, oil for the snow blower). Spent enough time in Wal-Mart to go into a shopping-induced walking coma.

Used leftover Thanksgiving turkey to make some Tuscan pumpkin, white bean and turkey soup for lunch (yum).

Spent the evening cuddled by the fire, watching Mizzou lose the BCS championship game to Oklahoma (second year in a row), burning a mulled cider candle (mmm...) and playing Scene It on Xbox 360 (another Wal-Mart purchase -- and totally worth it even though Peter will always kick my butt at that game).

Oh we also popped some popcorn in the kettle popper Peter's parents gave us and drank hot chocolate with whipped cream. Such a fun night of marriage!

Now I just need to get my snow pants and cross country skis from my parents so I can get out and enjoy the snow rather than being a shoveling slave to it.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Why I probably shouldn't shovel snow

I have come to realize that snow is not a very good activity for a perfectionist.

On the one hand, I love clearing the crisp, white stuff off the driveway and revealing the pavement below. So clean and orderly. Such an accomplished feeling when done.

On the other hand, I have major issues with accepting the fact that it's not possible to clear every last bit of snow.

Peter had to remind me numerous times not to sweat the small stuff while we were out there.

It drove me crazy though. He left an ever-so-slight trail behind wherever he shoveled. How tempting to clean up his scraps, to shovel his pile a few inches farther so it would actually be at the edge of the driveway instead of four inches from the edge.

But my back pays the price. And now it's my constant reminder not to sweat the small stuff - in snow and in life.