Monday, December 1, 2008

Why I probably shouldn't shovel snow

I have come to realize that snow is not a very good activity for a perfectionist.

On the one hand, I love clearing the crisp, white stuff off the driveway and revealing the pavement below. So clean and orderly. Such an accomplished feeling when done.

On the other hand, I have major issues with accepting the fact that it's not possible to clear every last bit of snow.

Peter had to remind me numerous times not to sweat the small stuff while we were out there.

It drove me crazy though. He left an ever-so-slight trail behind wherever he shoveled. How tempting to clean up his scraps, to shovel his pile a few inches farther so it would actually be at the edge of the driveway instead of four inches from the edge.

But my back pays the price. And now it's my constant reminder not to sweat the small stuff - in snow and in life.

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